British scientists 8

How social networks help to spread pseudoscience

How social networks help to spread pseudoscience

Let's be Frank — spirit in 2019 is a little different from the 1990-ies of the last century. This is not about politics and Economics, though, of course, interrelated. Today, as 30 years ago, in Russia there is the era . And if th...


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Scientists have taken a big step in the development of the technology of levitation of the human

Scientists have taken a big step in the development of the technology of levitation of the human

Acoustic tractor beams use the power of sound to capture particles in the air and, in contrast to the same magnetic levitation technology, capable of capturing most of the liquids and solids. Engineers at the University of Bristol...


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Scientists have discovered how different types of alcohol affect emotions

Scientists have discovered how different types of alcohol affect emotions

for anybody not a secret that alcohol is directly associated with the emotional state of a person. It lifts the mood, and someone, on the contrary, depressing. Someone liberates alcohol, and someone makes a more aggressive and com...


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Winners of the IG Nobel prize in 2017

Winners of the IG Nobel prize in 2017

Harvard University hosted the 27th annual ceremony of awarding scientists (in the original: Ig Nobel). "Nobelevku" is awarded to scholars whose works represent questionable value for the world of science. On the other hand, if on ...


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Virtual reality will help to overcome the fear of dentists

Virtual reality will help to overcome the fear of dentists

visiting the dentist for many people is a real nightmare. Despite the fact that modern anesthetics allow to almost completely eliminate any unpleasant feelings during the treatment process , many are still afraid to visit dental c...


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Scientists have created a fundamentally new type of speaker from graphene

Scientists have created a fundamentally new type of speaker from graphene

Almost all existing speakers operate on the same principle: the electric signal produces fluctuations in the coil in field of permanent magnet that drives the cone, and this, in turn, generates air vibrations and the sound waves o...


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Scientists have proven the ability to create computers based on DNA

Scientists have proven the ability to create computers based on DNA

Researchers led by Professor Ross king had developed a computing device on the basis of deoxyribonucleic acid. If taken as a programming language of life, why not create on its basis a computer that can perform calculations? If DN...


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Created by a prosthesis controlled by signals of nerves in the spinal cord

Created by a prosthesis controlled by signals of nerves in the spinal cord

Scientists from Imperial College London have developed that interprets the signals of the nerve endings of the spinal cord and turns them into movements of the prosthetic hand. To lead hand in motion, a person only need to think a...


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